Much wow coming…

Privacy Policy

The Basic Stuff

Respecting your privacy is of utmost importance. This policy details how personal data is managed within this portfolio. By viewing my work, you consent to the terms and practices outlined here, ensuring transparency and accountability in data processing.

What to Include in the Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy outlines the data collected during visits to this website, the purposes for showcasing design projects, and the measures taken to safeguard user data. It emphasises user rights, consent procedures, and provides contact information for privacy-related enquiries or concerns, promoting a trust-based online environment.

A Legal Disclaimer

This website functions as a portfolio of my design work, with a focus on my individual contributions. While I endeavour to ensure accuracy, the content may not always represent the most up-to-date information. Visitors are advised to verify details independently and seek professional advice where appropriate. The owner of this site accepts no liability for any inaccuracies or omissions in the content. It should also be noted that some of the design projects featured may have involved collaborative efforts, where my role varied from leading the team to contributing as a team member.